Hey kids --
CV2 magazine is trying to break out of their mold by putting together an issue of the kind of poetry they don't normally publish. The call for submissions is here:
What's your beef with today's poetry? Can't see yourself in the modern lyric tradition -- doing something completely new and different? Then tell CV2 where we can find you!
Deadline for submissions: October 15, 2006
If you are writing anything you think fits the bill, I would encourage you to submit. CV2 is a good magazine that is fairly open to submissions, but for a number of reasons, gets a fairly narrow range of material submitted to them, when they are potentially interested in a wider range of material. So, since they are making a concerted effort to seek out the kind of stuff they don't normally publish, I would encourage you to support them. Their website is http://www.contemporaryverse2.ca and you can find their guidelines there, but this call for submissions is, for some reason, not yet posted on their site.
If you live in Canada, they will accept e-mail submissions. Contact Clarise Foster at cv2@mts.net if you have questions -- but as I said, the submission guidelines are available online.
-- jonathan
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